A slam-dunk, home run, or touchdown. Whatever you call it, today was one of those days. A plan is made, but there are many factors out of one’s control. Yet sometimes, it all comes together into a spectacular day. This was our day today on the Pacaya River.

A few of the things that made it so special, include:

As we enter the Pacaya River, the tops of many trees are filled with festive parrots, dancing away!

We visit a ranger station, where river turtles are hatching by the thousands, ready to be released into the wild.

Big, black, fuzzy monk saki monkeys sit on a branch and watch us watching them.

We have a delicious breakfast on board the skiffs in the shade of a large fig tree. Meanwhile, pink dolphins surface behind us, blue-and-yellow macaws fly above us, and squirrel monkeys pass through the tree we are tied to. What ambiance!

We round a corner and find a tree filled with comical hoatzin birds. A very special bird for birders, and a stunning subject for photographers.

A massive rainstorm right after lunch that passes before our afternoon excursion and also drops the temperature to nice and fresh.

Swimming in a blackwater lake with the water temperature at a perfect 85 degrees F, while pink dolphins swim amongst us.

Returning towards sunset as groups of howler monkeys climb to the tops of massive trees to watch the sunset as well.

Being welcomed “home” on the Delfin II at the end of an amazing daypure comfort and marvelous food. We all sit long after the meal is over discussing what a day it was!