Today I woke up in high spirits. I had the feeling that it was going to be an extraordinary day and I was not wrong! We had a wonderful exploration day today. After an earlier than usual breakfast, we went deep and far into the Pacaya River. This river is the farthest destination we will reach in our expedition this week. Our skiffs arrived at a large black water ox bow lake called Yanayacu Lake. We stopped there momentarily to stretch our legs and use the facilities. We continued with our exploration and we had great encounters with wildlife. All of us saw abundant wildlife today. herons, Neotropical cormorants, river turtles, hoatzins were seen everywhere.

Several Three Toed-sloths and many red howler monkeys troops were spotted as well. We had a couple of extraordinary black capuchin monkey sightings. The latter monkeys are very randomly seen for they tend to run away swiftly when spotted. A family of capuchins was seen eating fruits for a long time. The latter was spectacular. I have spent many years in the rainforests and it is only the second time ever in my life I had the chance to see these secretive monkeys eating in front of our eyes!

After all these great sightings and commotion, we had time to settle down and have our lunch in a Warden’s House. Our whole kitchen galley brought in to bring lunch to this remote location. A memorable meal in a very special place.

Late in the afternoon after resting, we went for a night walk. We were successful as well, for we saw several frogs, many insects, and a snake. It was a long day but well worth the effort!