After several days sailing on the Amazon and many of its tributaries, this morning we visited the most remote area of our trip to the Papaya River. We left early morning the Delfin II and speeded down the river to try to reach into the heart of Pacaya for breakfast on the boats, but not just a simple breakfast…. A complete, full breakfast that we carried with us in our boats and with extra staff to serve it to us in our seats.

The morning was truly spectacular. The gentle fresh morning cool air hitting our faces, and the sun beginning to peek behind the tall trees beneath a blue sky full of clouds with orange and yellow hues. And double as magnificent, because it was all reflected on the dark, mirror-like tannin rich water of the river.

In the afternoon we repositioned to visit el Dorado River to get to see the famous Amazon lily pads. One of the most iconic plants of the Amazon River.