We reached the farthest point upstream on the Ucayali River, and this morning's adventure was to explore the Pacaya River, one of the most secluded areas of the Pacaya Samiria Reserve. The riverbanks were alive with the sounds of howler monkeys and sightings of pink dolphins. The skies were aflutter with numerous bird species, creating a vibrant tapestry of life in this remote location. This excursion was particularly special as we had our breakfast floating on a skiff, deep within the forest. As we dined, thousands of parrots and parakeets swarmed close to us, perching in a nearby tree, adding to the magical atmosphere.

In the afternoon our journey took us to Magdalena Creek, a mysterious blackwater stream emerging from the depths of the lush green forest. As we navigated through the shallow water lagoons encircled by towering trees, the serene environment was punctuated by the appearance of pink river dolphins. The sounds of squirrel monkeys resonated from various directions, their presence adding excitement to our exploration. Moments later, these playful creatures revealed themselves from all directions — behind, in front, and above us. Their lively and amusing behavior turned the afternoon into a spectacular display of the abundant wildlife that thrives in this enchanting part of the Amazon.