Last night we reached the farthest point of our adventure in the Upper Amazon. This morning we eagerly woke up to go and explore the Pacaya River by skiff, and it was really great, because contrary to other mornings, there was no need today to return for breakfast to the Delfin II. Our crew took onboard the skiffs with us, a full breakfast.

We explored this morning longer and deeper the magnificent and remote Pacaya River, and later the three skiffs stopped for breakfast, in the shade, under trees full of hoatzins, an iconic primitive looking bird from the Amazon.

It was truly magnificent! The three skiff tied up together, and our naturalists, skiff drivers and waiters serving us in our seats a full breakfast, while we observed pink dolphins and noisy hoatzins that suspiciously also looked back at us.

Our birdwatchers and photographers were thrilled of today’s arrangement, because spending longer time in the Pacaya River meant finding some of the special things of the Amazon, such as the hoatzins, horned screamers and jabiru storks.

After returning from our morning outing for lunch and some rest, in the afternoon we explored some more this beautiful area, and spent some time at the Yanayacu lagoon for a refreshing swim.

At Yanayacu lagoon, while floating in the dark tannin rich waters with a beer in hand, several active pink dolphins joined us, blowing loudly as they came out to breath. The dolphins kept a respectful distance from us, but occasionally a curious dolphin would venture getting a little closer.

After our swim we explored a little more and farther. Many beautiful and interesting things we found, but probably the best surprises for the day was to find a small group of capybaras quietly resting beneath a tree and hidden in thick vegetation. They were so close to the river’s edge that we got excellent views of them.

We were so excited about this find! It was very hard for us to keep ourselves controlled and quiet with all the excitement that such a find generated in our boats.

We had a spectacular day at the Pacaya River and Yanayacu Lagoon!