Today we ventured farther away from our starting point in Nauta. We woke up this morning in the very pristine mouth of one of the tributaries of the Amazon River called the Pacaya River.

The idea this morning is to leave the Delphin II earlier and have breakfast along the way on the water in order to venture even farther away. The breakfast was magnificent, a full breakfast while sitting on our skiff by the water.

The weather was great and we had even better sightings of some of the many birds and animals that live here. We saw capuchin monkeys, red howler monkeys, squirrel monkeys, brown-throated sloths. We also encountered birds, such as the big and noisy horned screamer, and the little ferruginous pygmy-owl. It was particularly impressive to get to see huge numbers of great egrets, snowy egrets, and neotropical cormorants, all newcomers to this area in preparation of the upcoming dry season, when the water recedes and they can feast on the highly concentrated fish.

It’s always wonderful to witness the perfection of nature in action.