Right after an early breakfast, we loaded the skiffs. Today we had the opportunity to explore deep inside the Pacaya Samiria National Reserve. As we began to cruise, we met several fishermen that were allowed to sustainably fish in the reserve in exchange for their services as volunteer park rangers.

The morning was packed with adventure and great sightings of wildlife. As we explored further into the reserve, we spotted big black caimans; they felt undisturbed by our presence.

Flocks of cormorants flew by our side when we passed them. It’s now the season when the water level is beginning to drop and lots of fishes get trapped in small ponds. This makes it easy to be caught, not only by men but also by egrets, herons, jabirus, and cormorants.

We ended our visit by jumping into the cool waters of Yanayacu Lagoon. Pink dolphins were swimming very close to us, joining in our joy. This was a special moment that will last a long time in our minds.