As we moved upriver in the cool morning tropical air, we were serenaded by the black-capped donacobius, horned screamers, and ruddy pigeons. The black-collared hawk is ubiquitous, but we continue to enjoy our sightings every time we find one. Fishing is a morning activity, and we met a woman in her canoe as she cleaned her family’s breakfast, or maybe their lunch. Her catch included peacock bass and red-bellied piranha.

Our walk at Casual Trail highlighted the small treasures that call the forest home, such as a poison dart frog and a pink-toed tarantula. As the day warmed, a whirlpool of vultures soared in a spiral, trying to catch lift and subsequently a bit more altitude.

A tasty highlight of the morning was a talk on the fruits of the jungle, along with samples. Surprising to many was the natural “package” that Brazil nuts come in, as well as what chocolate looks like before a confectioner gets ahold of it.

Later in the afternoon, we made a brief stop in the village of Amazonas. Here, we heard testaments about the positive difference made by an organization called Minga Peru on the lives of people living in a remote community.

In the evening, we raised a toast to the mighty Amazon River at its official geographical birthplace, the convergence of the Ucayali and Marañon Rivers. Salude!