Today was another remarkable day on board National Geographic Sea Bird. We began our morning by venturing up the Palouse River in our expedition landing crafts, while others traveled to the breathtaking Palouse Falls. Our groups gathered bright and early, excited to explore the unique beauty of this hidden gem in Washington. As we cruised along the tranquil Palouse River, we were immediately captivated by the surrounding landscape. Towering basalt cliffs framed our journey and created a dramatic backdrop for our adventure. The river’s gentle current carried us through the serene wilderness, where the only sounds were the rustling of leaves and the occasional chirping of birds.

The rest of our group reached one of the crown jewels of the trip when they visited the magnificent Palouse Falls. The powerful cascade of water plunging into the deep canyon left everyone in awe. We spent ample time here, allowing guests to take in the breathtaking views and capture unforgettable photos.

Later in the day, we ventured downstream towards the Lower Monumental Dam. The engineering marvel of the dam provided a fascinating contrast to the natural wonders we had explored earlier in the day. Our expedition landing crafts expertly navigated the lock and canal system while some guests stood on the bow of National Geographic Sea Bird and took it all in.

Back on board, we gathered for a recap of the day’s activities and shared stories and photographs from our adventure. As the sun dipped below the horizon, we enjoyed a fantastic dinner before retiring to our comfortable cabins, eagerly anticipating the adventures that await us tomorrow.