This beautiful morning aboard National Geographic Sea Bird started off with a sunrise as we approached and went through the Little Goose Dam. All who ventured out onto the bow had a sweet taste of Bailey’s Irish cream in their coffee. The colors were spectacular streaks of pink and orange, highlighting the gorgeous basalt cliffs. Shortly after, the ship anchored at the mouth of the Palouse River for our shore activities. We had options to view the cascading Palouse falls, take expedition landing craft tours, and go kayaking. Some of the tours saw coots and grebes, among other birds as well as evidence of beaver activity.

The afternoon was relaxed as we cruised the rest of the Snake River going through Lower Monumental Dam and then Ice Harbor Dam in the early evening. It is interesting to watch the large gates open after we descend down almost 100 feet each time. As the evening got cooler and dusk was approaching, we came indoors for tales of coots for our daily Recap.