This sunny autumn day started with 15+ stretchers descending down the Little Goose Dam lock on the decks. National Geographic Sea Bird continued on down the Snake River as we finished our warm-up and headed to breakfast. Shortly after the briefings, we unloaded at our landing spot with life jackets in tow, paddles, kayaks, and a sense of adventure for hikers to the Palouse Falls, kayakers, and eager expeditions landing craft tours. After switching out and everyone got to see a little bit of everything on the palate, we returned to our home vessel and continued on with the procession towards our next stops and the ocean.

After lunch, some signed up to take an expedition landing craft ride through the Lower Monumental Dam lock to see the operations with an intimate view. There were more locks to come and relaxation on the decks as we cruised down the river and finally went through the Ice Harbor Dam before arriving onto the Columbia River right before dinner.

The varied array of beautiful goods, from around the world, enticed the full bellies in dinner to come out and shop for a coveted item, souvenir, or gift at the Global Marketplace.

It was an expedition-style day in which the enjoyment could not have been surpassed!