At sunrise we headed out, with our binoculars in hand, to a pre-breakfast outing by expedition watercraft. We searched along the riverbanks and spotted a large number of birds perched on lush abundant vegetation. We also saw a few male and female woodpeckers on the top of a dead tree. A large flock of large-billed terns were also seen fishing near the convergence of black and white waters.

After breakfast, we visited the Amazon National Park and hiked into the rainforest. Along the way we spotted a couple of pink-toed tarantulas and several toucans perched on top of canopies. Later, we walked along suspended bridges, and had a great bird’s eye view of the rainforest.

In the afternoon, we visited Nauta Creek on skiffs and kayaks. Here we saw pink and grey river dolphins feeding on river barracudas. To end our day, we had a spectacular sunset on our return to Delfin II.