It is hard to believe that it’s been nearly a week since we started our adventure. We’ve seen two countries, with every day packed with activities.

Yesterday evening we began crossing the Panama Canal through the Miraflores and Pedro Miguel Locks. This was an exciting passage under the powerful incandescent lights.

If you are passionate about ships, the Panama Canal is the right place for you. Last night we were thrilled to see a dark grey sleek ship appear through the darkness of the night into the lights of the lock just behind us.

After our crossing through the first section of the Canal last night, we woke up this morning anchored in the man-made Gatun Lake, at 85 feet above sea level. From this point we sailed to the Smithsonian Barro Colorado Island, or BCI, once at the summit of a hill before the lake was created, today an important location for research in the tropics. For almost a 100 years scientists have been studying the forest of BCI and have made large contributions to what is known about the tropical rainforest today.

A heavy tropical downpour greeted us soon after arriving at this famous facility. No wonder the forest is so green and lush here! The rain ceased just in time for us to start our walks on the same trails that the researchers walk through every day. Others chose to take our expedition landing crafts around the island. We spotted many creatures on our walks and boat rides: howler monkeys, crocodiles, agouties, snail kites, and toucans, among many others.

Later that afternoon we began the next leg of the locks, making our way to the Caribbean Sea.

What a great week!