Beneath the blanketing clouds we were called out from sleep early to emerge on deck, only to find the tall black dorsal fin of the male orca gliding through the calm morning waters of Chatham Strait. Then an early riser’s fare and hot beverages to follow. All of this even before breakfast!

Adventures started early this morning with several hikes heading out into the forest to explore. We climbed up the edge of a small freshwater waterfall that was used as a water supply for many of the early explorers. On our forest hike we were able to meander along bear trails, winding along the edge of the river, past the waterfall and up to a large lake complete with a beaver lodge. The more keen-eyed among us were able to make out the chew marks from porcupine at the base of several trees. We also found a branch cut off and transported by a beaver. The rain gently fell as we returned to the beach for our kayaking adventure. Loading boats in single and tandem, we set out onto the clear waters of the bay. Water here is so clear it looked like the aquamarine of a swimming pool, but with many rocks and creatures along the bottom. The green tree-covered hills of Sitka Spruce, Hemlock, and Alder creating the perfect backdrop. Then we saw. One and then two bears coming out from the woods, walking along the beach. Several groups were able to load into zodiacs from the ship and come a bit closer to observe.

After a hearty lunch to warm us up we are energized for an afternoon of cruising through Chatham and Peril Strait. Here we will be looking for wildlife as this area is especially noted for its density of marine mammals. We were not disappointed! We have seen both orcas and humpbacks this afternoon. We finished up with our voyage slideshow and an inspiring evening recap. We all now have many memories and stories to tell of our Remarkable Journey to Alaska, British Colombia and Haida Gwaii.

Enjoy the Adventures Onward!