The day began with mist-shrouded mountains emerging from the ocean. While National Geographic Sea Bird cruised through the narrow passages of Peril Strait we saw the distant blow of a juvenile humpback whale before it disappeared below the waves. As we left Peril Strait and joined Chatham Strait, we quietly watched a bachelor group of Steller sea lions relax on the channel marker buoy. We observed the quite gathering as one of their fellow pinnipeds looked for an invitation to join his lazy brethren. Our destination lay farther north and we pressed on.

The afternoon found us in Pavlof Harbor. Clouds crept down the mountains and so we took the chance before the rain came to adventure both onshore and off. We filled the later hours of the day with flora-filled hikes, picking our way through the towering spruce until a pond materialized. A local beaver and his family had made this their home and the lodge rose from the water. Back off shore, we were graced with the creatures of the intertidal zone as we kayaked along the coast. All along the oceans edge we passed pacific blue mussels, acorn barnacles, and Sitka periwinkles.