Guests aboard National Geographic Quest began their Alaskan adventure with breathtaking scenery at Fish Bay. As the sun peeked through grey, drizzly skies, the bay was calm and surrounded by foggy mountains. Sea otters made a delightful appearance, gently backstroking past the ship, while Sitka black-tailed deer grazed along the shore. Ravens and eagles flitted between treetops, creating a stunning backdrop for a morning stretch with Allison on the sun deck.

The afternoon at Hanus Bay was equally thrilling. Guests enjoyed all the activities offered, including Zodiac cruises, kayaking, and hikes to Eva Creek. Even the dive team managed to squeeze in a short dive to explore the underwater world. A delightful surprise came when a brown bear sow with two cubs lumbered across the tide flat adjacent to the landing to forage in the intertidal zone. The excitement wasn’t over yet; as everyone returned to National Geographic Quest, Captain Paul called over the radio, “Breaching humpback off the bow!” This announcement prompted everyone on board to rush to the nearest window or deck to catch a glimpse of the acrobatic calf breaching repeatedly.

It was an exhilarating first day in Southeast Alaska, filled with unforgettable wildlife encounters and scenic beauty. Tomorrow, more adventures and discoveries await us in Glacier Bay National Park.