It was a misty morning in Petersburg as we sailed into the harbor for a great day! Many went hiking in the muskeg, a unique bog environment with special plants that thrive in the standing acidic standing water found here. Some geared up for adventure on the bushwhack, while others looked forward to a meandering Zodiac cruise amongst the active fishing harbor. Some braved the rain, biking around the island of Mitkof, home to the quaint town of Petersburg, and were rewarded with a slowly clearing sky and a beautiful ride along the coastal road.
Back on the ship, we enjoyed delicious chili as we began to sail up Chatham Strait. An enjoyable afternoon at sea, a few were woken from afternoon naps when we encountered KILLER WHALES! Truly remarkable animals, the pod swam near the ship, allowing us to make photographs, both to keep as memories and with the hope of providing individual identification by studying the unique patterning of each dorsal fin and saddle patch.
Alas, what would a visit to the fishing town of Petersburg be without the opportunity to taste some of the local cuisine by picking up some fresh food. We feasted on a meal of Dungeness crab, and a wonderful day was had by all.