We approached the capitol of Cambodia, Phenom Penh, up the Tonle Sap River at first light. After breakfast we set foot in Cambodia and immediately mounted cyclos or bicycle rickshaws, for an adventure into Phenom Penh’s morning traffic. We all arrived safely at the Royal Palace for a guided tour around this amazing facility. Just prior to magnificent lunch at Topaz restaurant, we stopped by the impressive National Museum.

After lunch we made a solemn visit to Tuol Sleng “S21” genocide museum. Some guests chose to continue onto the “killing field” at Choueng Ek while other opted for a visit to “Tabitha,” a rural support program for women in Cambodia, to view and purchase locally made crafts.

Back on board we were all treated to a barbeque dinner on the terrace deck and were thoroughly entertained by Apsara dancers, called the Kumer Angels, who performed a series of traditional and folk dances.