We began our second day of the new year by exploring Golfo Dulce, which is extremely rich in diversity with beautiful people, culture, and traditions.

We disembarked early to explore the heart of Osa Peninsula, Rancho Quemado. During pre-Columbian times, Osa was one of the most important places. Indigenous people understood how to work with gold and metal, and they made incredible pieces for decoration.

We explored the Osa Peninsula and visited with two beautiful families. After an hour and a half bus ride, we stopped at Johnny’s house and learned how they process sugarcane. The family prepared for our arrival early in the morning and explained how they process sugar and make candy. Some of our guests helped make their own candy. We helped press the sugarcane, and our hosts offered us lime juice and ice. What a refreshing beverage! They also served bananas and kidney bean dip.

After that great experience, we moved to Juan Cubillo’s house and learned about gold panning and how their ancestors used to mine gold.

We had lunch and headed to a cacao farm in the afternoon. We enjoyed a warm welcome, and our hosts explained how they process cacao and vanilla beans. At the end of the trip, we tasted chocolate in different forms.

At 4:00 pm, we had a very important presentation on the conservation of sea turtles, and we learned about the process of tagging and releasing the turtles.