Today National Geographic Quest was anchoring in front of Playa Blanca beach located in the heart of Golf Dulce. Shortly after the exploration began with inland bus trips to visit the various local eco-entrepreneurial projects whose establishment along Corcovado National Park border have been key to the park’s conservation.
This day we visit the gold panning and the sugar melaza projects as well as the chocolate and heart of palm farm. At each place, guests were not only able to experience the warm welcome of the locals, but also have the chance to see firsthand the cultivation/extraction of the of each.
In between activities, we enjoyed a lunch at a beach that included a local folk dancing performed by children from the nearby school.
At the end of our touring and back again at Playa Blanca, the researchers from the Latin America Sea Turtle Association show our guests their long-term project involving the sea turtles of Golfo Dulce and even allow some guests to take measurements.