After navigating for around 70 nautical miles, the National Geographic Quest dropped anchor within the waters of the Golfo Dulce (sweet gulf) which separates de Osa Peninsula (where we were yesterday) from mainland, its waters reach frigid depths of up to 704 feet, being home to dolphins, whales and sharks, among many other sea creatures. But today we did more inland activities.

Through different tours, we were welcome by four different local families which have been turning their regular jobs, farms and houses into eco tourist attractions, even doe, none of them look neither feel like the typical tourist traps… it was so impressive the hospitality of these people. The morning trips went to Kobo Sustainable Farm which guided us through several crops, from chocolates to pineapple, from cashews to vanilla and of course a chocolate fruits fondue at the end.

Another of the trips was a mother and son, Heart of Palm plantation, which guided us through the whole process of the harvesting and production of these delicatessen food. A third option was driving up to Rancho Quemado town to experience the life of Juan, a former gold pawner, who has raised all its family by looking for gold from his property. And last but not least, we visited Don Carmen, a 70-year-old farmer, who shares his artisanal sugar cane mill with his daughter, grand kids and son in law. After all these amazing experiences with this truly friendly families, the Galley set a wonderful picnic lunch while a local high school kids performed Costa Rican typical dances. And so, another day went by…