Today during our second day of expedition we visited the remote Golfo Dulce Bay on the south Pacific coast of Costa Rica. This is a well-protected bay with deep calm waters.

We disembarked on Playa Blanca using our wonderful Zodiacs and boarded the coaches that were already waiting for us. We had several different options: some of us went to the chocolate tour, some to the sugar cane mill tour, while others went to the Danta Rainforest hike, or the heart of palm tour…. many options to enjoy and learn about Costa Rican culture.

We all came back for a wonderful lunch on the beach, and then off we went for a different tour option in the afternoon. The weather was great, with no rain today in the tropical rainforest.

All our groups learned about the many things people do and make a living from in Costa Rica, while at the same time having great wildlife sightings. We observed troops of red-backed squirrel monkeys, white-faced capuchin monkeys, coatis, two-toed sloths, colorful and noisy scarlet macaws, and many other bird species.

In all it was another wonderful day in tropical Costa Rica, and it’s just our second day of expedition.