As National Geographic Explorer continued her journey across Baffin Bay, guests were inspired, delighted, and educated by two presentations in the lounge. From Kathy Sullivan, oceanographer, astronaut, and leading science administrator, we learned what happens when you put a GoPro camera inside a bubble of water in weightless space, how space shuttle bathrooms work, and how data gathered from space has changed everything. National Geographic photographer Phil Schermeister followed, giving guests practical photo tips that work with any camera.

In early afternoon, National Geographic Explorer dropped anchor just off the hamlet of Pond Inlet, in full view of the splendor of Bylot Island’s glaciers and mountains. In a community center, we were treated to a cultural performance of Inuit dancing, drumming, throat singing, and traditional athletic trials such as lip-pulling contests. A tiny child, clad in sealskin boots, stole the show, to the delight of all. When the performance was completed, we headed for the anivvik (exit) and then back home to the ship.