Today was another day of splendid sun! It was so dry the moss was crunchy – a sure sign that we need more rain after this two-day drought. In the morning we headed to Pond Island, a small island off the coast of Baranof Island. Here we headed into the forest for a variety of hikes. Those who were daring and intrepid hit the trail on a bushwhack – very quickly the trail disappeared and they were literally bumbling through bushes, wading through sphagnum bogs, getting their boots sucked off by deep mud, and having a gloriously fun time. The bushwhackers went all the way around a small lake which hosts a small beaver population. Evidence of beavers was all around, with beaver-gnawed trees, branches with tooth marks, and inner bark raked from tree trunks. A few red-breasted sapsuckers were also spotted, as well as clear vistas of the surrounding mountains. Other less intense hikes meandered along the beach, exploring the intertidal area during an extremely low tide, or wandered up into the forest and nearby muskeg.

During lunch, we repositioned the ship to a more northerly location and zipped to shore in the afternoon to walk the Lake Eva trail. The ambitious hikers among us made it to the lake, while the rest journeyed partway to enjoy a quiet lagoon, waterfall, and lovely forest ecosystem. Kayakers paddled through the lagoon, enjoying a relaxing and peaceful time on the water.

After dinner, we watched a slide show that was compiled from all our images of our journey together. A terrific end to our trip in Southeast Alaska!