It was our final day on the Antarctic Peninsula, and we had a whole range of activities planned. We awoke to calm seas and a spectacular ice pack in Charlotte Bay. It wasn’t long before we witnessed one of nature’s most wonderful sights—dozens of humpback whales bubble-net feeding. It doesn’t get much better than that!
Later that morning, after all the whale-watching excitement, we landed at Portal Point—mainland Antarctica. This was followed by a polar plunge, where guests and crew jumped into the frigid, clear Antarctica water.
In the afternoon we crossed the Gerlache Strait towards Brabant Island. We then loaded guests on Zodiacs and took them along the beautiful Freud Passage with our mother ship following. We cruised past Kayak Bay and into Hunt and Leconte Islands, alongside vast glaciers and incredible icebergs. It was a very fitting way to finish the Antarctic section of this expedition.