For the second week in a row the high ocean swells kept us away from Neptune’s Grotto and channeled us towards alternative plans in Sardina. It is an expedition after all, unexpected challenges can appear at any given moment and Mother Nature certainly cannot be tamed to deliver perfect conditions on demand – no matter how hard we try to bribe her! We play by her rules and we make the best we can of each and every moment – sometimes plan B (or C!) turn out to be a blessing!

This was demonstrated today as staff and guests joined together to turn the day into great success, providing all of us with a wonderful visit to this picturesque and culturally rich island.

We docked in the historical town Porto Torres, at the northwestern corner of the island. This small city was founded by Julius Cesar in 46 AD. Porto Torres was an important Punic port and after the Roman conquest started to flourish and reach its moment of glory, as it had a direct link with Rome itself. The town had the name of Turris Lybisonis and was the residence of the governor of the province of Corsica and Sardinia.

During our excursions, we enjoyed the overland travel from Porto Torres through beautiful green hills and exhilarating scenery towards the lovely, historic town of Alghero where we walked around, learned about the historical monuments and indulged in with some necessary gelato and pizza tasting.

In the afternoon many of us embarked on an excursion to an ancient archeological site from the first settlers of the island: the enigmatic Nurag people, who left impressive stone towers that can still be seen throughout the island. That was followed by a visit to the magnificent Capo Caccia Cliffs, which offered an unequaled view of Alghero on one side and the waves of the Tyrhennian Sea. Finally, the group visited the Leda D'Itirri family vineyard where we were given an enlightening tour by the mother and daughter who run the vineyard.  It was a perfect way to end the day, relaxing in their lovely garden and exploring the restored home, including the kitchen which appears to be right out of Homes and Gardens!  We were treated to a delightful tasting of wine, local cheese, olive oil and bread, which left everyone with a happy glow.

At the end of the day all guests and staff gathered in the lounge for an unexpected treat: a surprise visit from the Tenores di Bitti  – a group of Sardinian men who enchanted us with their unique sound, polyphonous acapella vocals, best described as the perfect balance between an operatic tenor and a sheep. Their songs tell the story the origins of music and how shepherds would try to simulate the sounds around them, the animals, the rocks and the ocean. All in all, it was a wonderful conclusion to this spectacular day.