Waking to our first day in Canadian waters, the National Geographic Sea Bird steered toward the port of Prince Rupert. Greeted by the customs officers, the guests checked in, beginning their week-long journey through British Columbia. With the sun high in the sky, our vessel navigated the islands bringing us closer to our afternoon destination. Before lunch, our cultural specialist Bristol Foster gave a talk about Haida Gwaii, a place he knew intimately from years of experience working with and amongst its people.

Travelling deeper into the rich waters of British Columbia, we ventured on to discover our afternoon destination—Klewnuggit Inlet Marine Park. Sending boats out in search of the perfect landing, our team of naturalists found a spot worthy of an afternoon bushwhack. Fording through the wilderness, guests took to inspecting the dense growth of the forest, which included heaping piles of sphagnum moss within the cedar and spruce canopy. Others took to expedition landing craft cruises in order to spot the wildlife, which included the Pacific wren, belted kingfisher. Yet another option awaited guests who were keen to travel the water under their own power. Kayaking within the bay, many scenic views were discovered as well as all manner of jellyfish and sea stars feeding just below the water’s ledge. Simply stated, it was a day of discovery that built toward the islands to come.