After crossing Dixon Entrance during the late hours of the evening, National Geographic Quest entered British Columbia making her way to the port of Prince Rupert. Our morning destination would include clearing Canadian customs and spending our morning in Prince Rupert at the Museum of Northern British Columbia.

Na Xbiisa Lagigyet, means “Treasure Box of the Ancient Ones” in the language of our hosts the Tsimshian people. The museum stands on the traditional lands of this First Nations group and these indigenous words also refer to the knowledge and wisdom of the old people, who continue to pass this way of life to the younger generation. As seafarers, warriors and artisans, led by highly trained chiefs and matriarchs, the Tsimshian people have carried forward a complex interwoven culture reflecting their history. The younger generation like our host Marric have spent years learning these traditions which are generously shared with visitors like ourselves.

There is a strong balance between the modern world and ancient world of First Nations society which remains vibrant today. Through a sophisticated interweaving of oral history, totem poles, regalia, songs, dances and feasts First Nations have kept their history and culture alive for thousands of years.