A foggy morning greeted us today as we explored some of the many waterways of British Columbia’s Inside Passage searching for wildlife and the elusive spirit bear of Princess Royal Island. Sadly, nature was not doing spirit bears this morning but did provide us with glassy waters, Bonaparte’s gulls, eagles, and humpback whales. 

After breakfast National Geographic photographer Flip Nicklin shared his humorous and informative talk titled “It’s Okay to Shoot People,” inspiring all aboard to raise their cameras to frame different subjects during the rest of the voyage. 

During lunch we entered the narrow and scenic Jackson Passage at the south end of Roderick Island taking the ship as far as it could go before anchoring and exploring the narrowest section in our expedition landing craft and stopping for brief shore excursions.

Naturalist Bette Lu Krause prepared us for tomorrow’s adventure in Alert Bay with an absorbing lecture during the afternoon’s cruising and we finished the day with cocktails and a taste of British Columbia’s excellent cheeses.