At sunrise, another day of adventure in the Upper Amazon began. Our day started off with sightings of pink and gray dolphins, which we photographed from the balcony aboard the Delfin II. Half an hour later we were ready for an outing on our skiffs.  

The Pucate River was our destination and right after our departure we began to enjoy the wildlife of this region. Jabiru, capped herons, egrets, kingfishers, raptors and many other species made our morning really special.  

Back onboard the Delfin II, we navigated to a new destination, the San Regis village, which proved to be a unique experience for all of us. This included a visit to a shaman woman who shared her knowledge about medicinal plants, a knowledge passed onto her by a master shaman. 

After this great experience we took our skiffs and moved onto the famous Amazon Nature Park, a place with exuberant forests and amazing trails full of local flora. Our team of local naturalists divided the group into smaller ones in order to give us a personalize experience. Little by little we went deeper and deeper into this jungle, where suspension bridges gave us a completely different perspective of the Amazon Rainforest. Finally, we returned to our ship for another delicious dinner onboard.