The sunrise swirled pinks into the ripples of Bahia Magdalena as we tied off to the dock in Puerto San Carlos. We had a job to do in the early morning light — eat a hearty breakfast, dress warmly, and grab our cameras — as we headed out to spend the day in Puerto Adolfo Lopez Mateos.

As we pulled into our destination we were greeted by regional music and festive dancers. We boarded our colorful pangas and headed out in search of gray whales. We spent the morning with several adult whales who were lazily swimming back and forth, showing their flukes and occasionally spyhopping. This part of the bay is bordered by a beautiful dune system and endless mangroves, both of which were full of life. We watched frigates, pelicans, terns, gulls, grebes, cormorants, loons, herons, egrets, and ospreys fly, dive, and search for food.

After lunch we headed back out onto the water. Half the group spent time with whales and the other half visited an oyster farm for a tasting. It was another stellar day aboard National Geographic Venture!