National Geographic Venture was greeted by one of the renowned sunrises of the Baja Peninsula over Puerto Escondido. We quickly pulled anchor and sailed south toward our next anchorage at Puerto Gato, watching for wildlife along the way. 

The incredible volcanic and sandstone rock of Puerto Gato framed a perfect spot for our first snorkel operation. Schooling fish and hydroids shone in the light of the shallow waters. Many of the long hikes climbed to a lookout with a wooden cross high on the peak of the petrified sand dunes. The guests loved the water activities and worked up quite the appetite for dinner aboard the ship. 

Our afternoon operations consisted of kayaking and various hikes ashore through the arroyos. We observed many species of birds, cacti, and intertidal species. The contrast of the desert landscape with the sea made for a perfect backdrop for our day of activities. 

We returned for cocktail hour, recap, and dinner before turning in for some rest to prepare us for an early morning of exploration to come.