On our second day on board National Geographic Sea Lion, we started our adventures in Man o’ War Cove. This cove is filled with mangroves, an important plant species in this area. We took Zodiacs down the channels searching for birds, skates, and fish among the branching plants. After Zodiac cruises, guests were given time onshore to either go for a fat-tire bike ride or explore the beach by foot.

The afternoon was spent exploring Puerto Magdalena, a little town with approximately 100 residents. Hikes were spent looking at the local flora and fauna while enjoying the afternoon breeze. Then we got to meet local legend, Jose Chejo, an entrepreneur and restaurant owner. While learning about his ventures, we enjoyed fresh ceviche and tortilla chips at the restaurant. It was such a treat to hear Jose’s story and learn more about the part of the world we are exploring. We are looking forward to more adventures tomorrow.