Today marked the start of our thrilling journey through the stunning Anambas Islands, beginning with the picturesque Pulau Lintang. As we ventured further into this tropical paradise, the anticipation grew as we prepared for the adventures awaiting us. But first, there were important preparations—our day started with essential Zodiac briefings followed by snorkel briefings, ensuring everyone was ready and confident for the activities ahead.

In the afternoon, the weather gods smiled upon us, offering clear skies and calm seas, perfect for our excursions. We set out to explore Pulau Lintang, a hidden gem of the Anambas Archipelago. The turquoise waters surrounding the island beckoned, and soon we were snorkeling in its vibrant underwater world. The coral reefs were teeming with life, from curious fish darting between colorful corals to graceful rays gliding by.

For those who preferred to keep their feet on land, guided hikes through the island’s lush greenery were led by our expert naturalists. As we trekked along the trails, we learned about the island’s unique flora and fauna, with the soundtrack of the ocean waves never far from earshot.

As the sun dipped below the horizon, we made our way back to National Geographic Orion where the captain’s cocktails awaited us—a perfect way to unwind and reflect on the day's experiences. The evening culminated with a delightful dinner onboard, rounding off a spectacular start to our expedition in the Anambas Islands.