Floreana Island affords its visitors the opportunity to spot some of earth’ most captivating wildlife communities. We started our day’s voyage early in the morning at Punta Cormorant. Here, we came upon some 60 greater flamingos in a brackish lagoon. Several were exceptionally close, which gave those with cameras the chance to take amazing photos, while off in the distance several blue-footed boobies were spotted just off the beach.

We came back aboard National Geographic Islander for breakfast and immediately got ready for a swift transit around Champion Islet by Zodiac. While out, we found seabirds and sea lions dotting the area’s stark coastal landscape. After the ride, we got our snorkeling gear and plunged in to witness the magnificent marine life of Champion. Interacting up-close with clusters of curious, young, and playful sea lions was the highlight of this outing without a doubt.

After lunch, we had a presentation about the human history of the Galapagos, some of the earliest expressions of which include visitation from pirates, whalers, and buccaneers. Later we visited Post Office Bay, one of the most iconic historical sites of the islands and the oldest passive parcel system in the world. We finally ended a fun day with a wine tasting celebrating another day in his unique place.