Today was our last day in the enchanted islands of Galapagos. We have traveled to the most distant places in the archipelago, from the youngest to the oldest islands. Today we disembarked on Punta Pitt, a beach made of olivine. This incredibly soft green sand was the result of eroded particles of the hardest crystals and minerals. As we walked on this beach, we observed the sparkling crystals.

Surrounded by volcanic ash or tuff formations, we walked through the canyon (created by a volcanic event), searching for red-footed boobies. These birds are facing the difficult conditions of the season while they patiently take care of the single chick in their nests. We found one fully grown adult with red feet that had to be photographed.

Back on the beach, sea lions played all around our young Global Explorers, who were snorkeling and swimming. Cerro Brujo was the best way to end our trek on this island. The white coralline sandy beach and the sea lions said goodbye to us in the most relaxing and beautiful way possible.