Today we awoke to glorious Antarctic sunshine beaming down upon the cascading ice of Marguerite Bay. On shore at Red Rock Ridge, we watched in amused admiration as Adelie penguins wove their way amongst splendid angular rocky formations. Simultaneously, Zodiac cruisers enjoyed porpoising penguins and spectacular iceberg sculptures, surrounded by towering peaks and the distant backdrop of yesterday’s Alexander Island.
As we cruised toward Blaiklock Island in the afternoon, we enjoyed a surprise encounter with a pod of B2 orcas. In true expedition fashion, we shifted plans to enjoy this fortuitous meeting and spent the later afternoon hiking and Zodiac cruising amongst the rarely visited glaciers of Dogs Leg Fjord. With shining sun and glassy waters, we cruised through a wonderland of Antarctic reflections on our way north toward the Gullet. Who knows what unexpected adventures await us tomorrow!