You could call Rio the city that never sleeps. When it rains, it becomes a bit quieter but no less exciting. After a full first day in Rio, it was time to set out on yet another day of exploration. This morning, our tour took us to Corcovado, site of the largest Art Deco statue in the world.

On top of Corcovado Mountain is a statue of Jesus Christ the Redeemer overlooking the vast city. It attracts visitors from all over the world. Everyone from pilgrims to visitors wanting to see the amazing panoramic views of the city showed up, despite the rain and fog.

The historical and cultural tour explored the heart of the largest and most well-known city in Brazil. There is a feeling of excitement in the city as they prepare for the upcoming World Cup and Olympics. Passing through the streets, they were glistening after a refreshing spring shower.

Rio is famous for its annual Carnival parade. Each of the teams prepares floats and costumes in secret to see who can outdo one another. It is not every day that they allow outsiders to get a glimpse of the gigantic sculptures being built for the parade, so we all felt very lucky to get a chance to be behind the scenes of such an amazing event.

After a great lunch on board, we headed out on the favela tour to be warmly invited to Providencia, the first and oldest favela in Brazil. Favelas were originally established by freed slaves who had nowhere to live. In the latest generations, migrants from the countryside have settled there because it is difficult for them to find opportunities in the city at first. An organization called Yellow House runs a non-profit that gives street children a safe place to go and also gives them a creative outlet by teaching them photography skills, as well as music and dance. This gave us a chance to interact with the locals in a more personal setting.

After returning back on board for dinner, we took motor coaches to the Scenarium Club to hear Teresa Cristina and her band perform for us. Teresa is a well-known Samba singer with a beautiful voice and great percussion to back her up. The caipirinhas were flowing along with the music, letting us enjoy our last evening in Rio before sailing out with the city lights behind us, to our next destination of Parati, Brazil.