Coming from Slovenia, we approached yet another part of the Istria peninsula, the one that belongs to Croatia. The historical city of Rovinj immediately showed its venetian roots, with small alleys that remind us of those we will find at the end of our journey, in Venice neighborhoods off the beaten path. Climbing to the church of Saint Euphemia which overlooks the city and has an outstanding view of the bay, we found some huge remains of the Roman city that was built on top of a pre-existing Greek colony.

After Rovinj, we reached the interior of Istria for a taste of local wines at the San Tommaso winery. The wines made from native Istrian grapes were accompanied by a delicious mix of cured meats and cheeses.

Some of us will be bringing home the fragrance of this land… in bottled form. A perfect gift for friends and family.

The day ended on a crescendo with farewell cocktails with the captain, giving thanks to the officers, a rich formal dinner, and a much-applauded slideshow that summarized our adventure.