After a night of sailing westward in the Cyclades, we awoke positioned south of Paros. While enjoying breakfast, we delighted in daytime view of Poseidon’s Temple (Last night, before heading to bed, we basked in its lit-up glory). After finishing our morning coffee, Chief Officer John gave us a brief sailing overview out on the Spanker Deck. Once acquainted with the ship, the expedition staff, and the Greek cultural specialists, we heard a presentation by naturalist and photo instructor Jose Calvo on photo composition.

A delicious lunch was served on the Lido Deck as we sailed the Aegean with views of Santorini in the distance. With bellies full, there was time for the traditional custom of a siesta. Once recharged, historian Dr. Rebecca Ingram gave a presentation on the Aegean Bronze Age and a preview of what to look out for the next day in Santorini. After an excellent day of sailing (We reached up to 7 knots; in ancient times, 5 to 7 knots in the Aegean was ideal), the crew went aloft to secure the sails, putting on a show of agility. Once the sails were up, there was a surprise swim call for the first dip of our voyage. Those who chose not to partake were entertained by the hotel manager—also the designated lifeguard—up on deck, and they looked out at the bobbing heads of those who took the leap.

Our day concluded with a welcome cocktail party held by Captain Komakin at the Lido Bar. He introduced himself and his key staff, and he reconfirmed this special experience of sailing on the extraordinary Sea Cloud. The dinner bell rang, signaling that it was time to eat. As we descended to the dining room, the sun set, lighting the sky with brilliant shades of pink and orange.