We spent the day in Sakaiminato, a city located on a sand spit between a huge lagoon and the Sea of Japan which has a bridge that is famous for its steepness. We all went to the Adachi Art Museum to enjoy the Japanese artwork and the adjoining gardens. There were six different gorgeous gardens that were best seen through the huge windows of the museum.

For our excursions of the day, half of us went to a beautiful seaside fishing village called Mihonoseki, with traditional streets and houses. We visited a Shinto shrine dedicated to the Ebisu. Others went to see the Matsue Castle, which was constructed out of wood in the 17th century. Guests got to climb up several stories to the top floor, which afforded them views of the interior and an amazing perspective of the city of Matsue.

Upon return to the port, we saw local artisans performing and selling art, such as calligraphy, weaving, and wood working. A local Japanese gospel choir gave us a dock-side performance as National Geographic Resolution pulled up the gangway and sailed away. It was a perfect ending to our explorations of these fascinating destinations.