This was our last day in paradise. We arrived at San Cristobal Island to see red-footed boobies, Nazca boobies, eagle rays and hammerhead sharks! The island of San Cristobal, capital of the Galápagos and my home island, gave a unique experience to our travelers. This island is located at the southeastern site of the Galápagos Archipelago and is considered to be one of the oldest, geologically, and one of the cutest, aesthetically. San Cristóbal has an area of 558 km2 (215 sq. mi) and its highest point rises up to 730 meters (2,400 ft.). On this last full day in the enchanted islands we enjoyed a combination of activities such as hiking, swimming and snorkeling.

As we followed Charles Darwin’s steps with San Cristobal being the first island that he visited, our morning outing took place at Punta Pitt. It offered an impressive and bizarre volcanic landscape that has been shaped overtime by the elements. This is one of the only few sites in the Galápagos where we can sometimes find all three species of boobies nesting together. A Zodiac ride to a nearby island blew our mind; tropic birds, storm petrels, swallow-tailed gulls, Nazca boobies, frigate birds, shearwaters and many more species of sea birds were found in not more than 400 square meters in surface area. The landing was in an incredible green sand beach where sea lions and marine iguanas welcomed us. The small canyons that we used as a path took us to a plateau and viewpoints where we were able to sight red-footed boobies with their chicks. In addition, mocking birds, lava lizards, and scalesia trees, which are endemic to this unforgettable place, were spotted. The walk ended on the beach, where we had a pleasant swim in very warm waters.

During the afternoon the National Geographic Islander sailed towards a scenic offshore islet formed by the erosion of an ancient tuff cone. This majestic place is known as Leon Dormido for locals and Kicker Rock for the ancient English visitors. Our snorkel fanatics jumped in the water from the Zodiacs at the base of these towering tuff rocks to enjoy the last spectacular snorkeling in this week. Among colorful schools of fish we also found school of Galápagos sharks, hammerhead sharks and white-spotted eagle rays. We saw more than fifty turtles!!! Once we all were back on board, we have a great time at the sky deck to enjoy late afternoon drinks while circumnavigating this unique formation. The closure of this magical day ended with an unforgettable sunset.

This was our last day, well spent in paradise!