Today we reached the eastern most point of the archipelago. We explored Punta Pitt on San Cristobal Island, which is one of the oldest islands in Galapagos. After breakfast we went on a hike to the top of a cinder cone, there we got a great view and were marveled by the presence of red footed boobies. We observed these birds flying and found a couple nesting along the cliffs. In the distance we saw a juvenile waiting for its parents to be fed. For our guests who did not want to hike, we had a great Zodiac ride and observed several sea birds such as Nazca boobies, red-footed boobies, Great frigatebirds, and also found some sea lions resting on the lava rocks.

After our climb to the top of Punta Pitt, we returned to the green beach for water related activities; there some of our guests went swimming while others went snorkeling from the shore. Later on the morning our young explorers had Zodiac driving lessons and had a lot of fun.

As we left Punta Pitt we headed westwards and after a few hours reached Leon Dormido and went snorkeling in deep waters. We found large numbers of juvenile Galapagos sharks as well as green sea turtles, and different species of fish. After this activity we returned to our ship and then navigated around Leon Dormido where the volcanic landscape amazed everyone by its beauty. We also had a great sunset to end our day in San Cristobal.