The dramatic landscape of San Cristobal Island was our playground on the last full day of our Galápagos journey. The golden rocky terrain of Punta Pitt starkly contrasted with the blue sky overhead and the deep teal of the ocean below. This is prime habitat for two species we had yet to see this week: the red-footed booby and San Cristobal lava lizard. 

The hike up to the top of the trail was a tough one but full of rewards. We noted the unique geology as we climbed to a vista point where we could look out over the beach to the National Geographic Endeavour in the distance while we savored the breeze that cooled us off as our heart rates slowed a bit. The rocky cliffs facing the southeast were a feast of color for the eyes. The dark lava dotted with bright green vegetation and the deep reds from Sesuvium against the backdrop of blue ocean was breathtaking in itself. 

This area was also a great vantage point from which to get a close view of several nesting red-footed boobies while others flew overhead. With the sighting of these birds, we’ve now seen all three booby species that live in the Galápagos Islands. Many of us were surprised that in addition to their bright red feet, they also have beautiful blue beaks and come in two color morphs: white and brown. Unlike the Nazca and blue-footed boobies, the red-footed booby is not commonly seen on the ground but in trees due to its prehensile feet that allow it to grasp branches.

The crystal clear waters and sparkling olivine sands of the beach at Punta Pitt were the perfect place to swim, lie in the sun, and enjoy the serenity of such a pristine setting.  And what would a day in the Galápagos be without interacting with sea lions? These playful marine mammals stole everyone’s attention as they cruised through the shallow water between swimmers. On the beach, young sand-dusted pups were the subject for many a photograph. 

The sun descended in the western sky as we sailed around another dramatic feature in this part of the archipelago, Leon Dormido, or Kicker Rock. As the day came to an end, we drank in the views and lifted a glass to toast a week full of striking landscapes, unique animals, new friends, and incredible memories that we will cherish for years to come.