Today we are visiting the easternmost island in the Galapagos: San Cristobal Island. This is the most beautiful island in the archipelago and the one that has yielded the most famous naturalists of all time, Charles Darwin included. The place is full of sea lions, and sea birds such as the red-footed booby, red-billed tropic birds, brown noddy terns, frigates, Nazca boobies, and the always original blue-footed boobies. All enclosed in a magical, beautiful beach, and surrounded by rocky cliffs and blue waters. 

In the morning, we started exploring a small offshore island which is home to a diversity of seabirds and many sea lions. The water that surrounds this little rocky speck is turquoise and is dotted with schools of yellow-tailed mullet fish. A great opportunity for photography!

Then after, we landed at the beach known as Punta Pitt, and we started to climb the slopes of this magnificent volcanic landscape. We could see basaltic lava and volcanic ash, mostly volcanic ash forming elegant layers. As we explored the place we encountered small reptiles such as lizards and many types of small plants. These creatures as well as all the plants tolerate the prolonged droughts typical to this region.

In the afternoon, we had our last day visit to the Galápagos Islands. We snorkeled in Leon Dormido, an incredible vertical structure that resembles a sleeping lion. We had a close encounter with sea lions, Galápagos sharks, and sea turtles! This was a great way to say goodbye to these incredible islands and finish our trip to paradise.