It was our last day of expedition in the Galapagos Islands on board the National Geographic Islander and we chose was San Cristobal island as our last destination for the voyage.

During the morning we went to a place located on the northern coast of San Cristobal, Punta Pitt. This place was formed by an explosive cone that brought out a lot of ash. Later this cone was weathered by the rains that come every rainy season, and this is the same place where we hiked up these hills. We landed on a beach full of peridot crystals shining very brightly under the equatorial sun. Baby sea lions welcomed us as we were going off the zodiacs, playing between each other.

The hike took us to a platform where there is a small colony of red footed boobies that keep their eggs and chicks on the vegetation. Then we walked back to the beach where we started and had a good time before the boat moved to the next location.

Later we navigated to the central part of the island called Cerro Brujo.

This is one of the first places where Darwin landed in the Galapagos during his short visit in 1835 and now it was our turn! As this was the last excursion on the trip, we relaxed at this white-sand beach that also has a sea lion colony, just like must of the beaches around San Cristobal.

Just so we ended the trip with champagne and big smiles, the National Geographic Islander ride around the icon of this island called Leon Dormido, or how it is called in English, Kicker Rock.

The trip was full of excitement and experiences that will always bring this group of people back to this famous archipelago. We will see you when we see you …