Today we arrived to San Cristobal Island in the south eastern realm of Galapagos. After breakfast we went ashore and had an invigorating walk to the top of a hill from there everyone enjoyed a great view of the coast. During the walk, there were several blue footed boobies nesting near the trail; we saw a couple changing places to look after their newly hatched chick. As we arrived to the cliffs there were also several red footed boobies nesting on small shrubs. There was also the option of a Zodiac ride for our guests who did not want to climb to the top of the hill.

Later on the morning our guests went to the beach where the green color of the sand and the playful sea lions greeted everyone. Snorkeling from the beach was a great option as we had a few juvenile Galapagos sea lions playing with the snorkelers for a long time.

At the end of the morning everyone returned aboard, for our big surprise as we departed one of our officers spotted the tall spout of a whale. As the ship slowed down the speed, the whale was identified as a blue whale; this is the largest animal in the whole planet and was peacefully swimming near the ship. We observed it for some time until it disappeared from our sight.

We kept navigating until we got to “Cerro Brujo” and there we got ashore for a coastal walk; there we encounter Galapagos sea lions, a lonely juvenile black tipped reef shark, fishing blue footed boobies and brown pelicans. Towards the end of the afternoon we returned to our ship and headed towards Puerto Baquerizo Moreno while the sun was setting at the horizon.