We dropped anchor at Punta Pitt, the easternmost point in the Galapagos Archipelago. It was a nice sunny morning, with blue skies and a nice cool breeze. Right after breakfast we are ready to disembark, this is our last full day and the adventure continues. Our guests prepared for a great hike, which started on a beautiful volcanic beach, covered by tiny crystals, known as peridots. We followed a water ravine and ascended. The views from above were breathtaking—the eroded ash cone with all the colors and the great blue on top was so beautiful and unusual, it made us feel as if we were on a different planet! We saw blue-footed boobies nesting, the chicks are getting older and bigger, and to our delight, we even spotted several red-footed boobies nesting in the bushes and flying closely overhead. What is more, as we were heading back to the beach, a curious young blue-footed booby decided to inspect us, coming so close and observing each of the guests. Our young explorers decided to sit down and we all enjoyed that moment—this is a unique experience that we will hold in our hearts forever! Back at the beach, it was time to get into the water, and this morning our young Galapagos sea lions gave us their very best! Everyone that decided to go snorkeling was fascinated with these young sea lions, they were so playful, coming in and out of the water, looking for the young explorers as they were building their sand castles—it was unbelievable!

We all came back on board and the ship was repositioned towards the next destination, Cerro Brujo. As we got closer to this visitor site, our officers spotted dolphins. We made an announcement, so everyone went out to the bow of the ship as the captain maneuvered us in order to get close to the dolphins. It was a big pod and they jumped and swam with the National Geographic Endeavour to the delight of all the guests! In the afternoon a great outing was prepared, as we visited one of the most beautiful beaches of the Galapagos, at Cerro Brujo. Once again great weather conditions, a great white sandy beach, turquoise waters and blue-footed boobies together with brown pelicans diving right at the shore line.  A trip of a life time came to an end, and although our guests are leaving the Galapagos, the Galapagos will never leave them.