Today we arrived to San Cristóbal Island, and in the morning we explored Punta Pitt which is located on the easternmost region of the island. After breakfast we landed on a soft olivine beach, and from there we started a hike to the top of a cinder cone. From the summit, an impressive landscape awaited us, as well as the chance to see a small colony of blue-footed boobies nesting near by the trail. After walking for a while, we also spotted San Cristobal mockingbirds, San Cristóbal lava lizards and the very colorful red-footed booby. Since the weather was so nice today, warm and sunny, after the walk we returned to the shore, where some of our guests went snorkeling and swimming.

As the morning ended, everybody returned to the National Geographic Endeavour to navigate to another area of this island. Soon we arrived to Cerro Brujo, where we had another great opportunity to go for a relaxing walk along the shore. Galapagos sea lions were seen resting on the soft white sand, a few pregnant females were spotted relaxing on the beach and some of them looked like they were close to giving birth.

After this last stroll on the beach we returned again to the National Geographic Endeavour and had a chance to enjoy one last sunset in Galapagos.