Saturday was the last day of the year 2016, also it happened that it matched the visit of the National Geographic Islander to San Cristobal Island; there was so much that we did to end the year in the best way possible and to welcome the New Year.
In the morning we landed on the northern side of San Cristobal, Punta Pitt. The north of this island has a different geological story and time, making it younger and less eroded than its counterpart to the south. The hike we had was to explore an old tuff cone that has been weathered by the rains that visit Galapagos every year. The result is a fantastic landscape of beige tonalities decorated by patches of bushes here and there. The most especial thing about visiting Punta Pitt is that there is no other place in the Galapagos where you can find all three species of Boobies. So we had for the first time the chance to see red footed boobies. San Cristobal was one of the first islands to be exposed to the human presence, and to the animals brought to help us –humans in our endeavour to colonized Galapagos. Over time the number of goats running wild; have change the environment that is used by the native and endemic species in the archipelago. The control and eradication campaigns have helped the number of boobies to increase to a healthy and steady number that nowadays we can get to see and photograph.
The hike was great, but there is nothing better than getting in the water afterwards. Lucky for us baby Galapagos sea lions where there to say goodbye one last time. Meanwhile the young explorers had some exciting zodiac driving lessons.
Later we navigated south of San Cristobal, to Cerro Brujo. This was one of the places where Charles Darwin visited on board the HMS Beagle. This visitor site has a beautiful beach with fine white sand and a small colony of sea lions. The afternoon was sunny, waves big enough so that we could have fun with them and a great sunset made our day.
As the day was coming to an end, and so the year, we approached to Puerto Baquerizo Moreno; capital of Galapagos and home to several thousands of inhabitants. Here is where we celebrated the beginning of a new year full of expectation, plans, disappointments and successes.
We embrace you 2017 and may we all enjoy it as every year must be, with happiness and family.